The Bar Stool with Papa Whiskey

Kusota Krisi: Auntie wa Harrier’s champagne lifestyle… on chang’aa budget!

She kept her class of preferring 15 year old whiskies at my expense We don’t like visitors. Kwanza this Christmas is even worse. For one, there is that small matter of visitors not being so keen on sanitizers, washing hands and using face masks. Most have stopped ku-gota for extended handshakes and hugs. Then this […]

The Bar Stool with Papa Whiskey

Please, social distance plumbers from high-end makali

Onyi, the electrician has red lips indicative of someone used to swlling copious amounts of ‘Glen-Ugenya’ You will always find half finished bottles of makali in every kalevi’s house. They are different brands, most times: Whiskeys, brandies, gins, bourbons, rams, harsh spirits. Drunkards collect them in various ways. Like hosting a bottle party and friends […]